
Starbound how to get mech parts
Starbound how to get mech parts

starbound how to get mech parts

So, throwing in this unecessarily grindy mechanic is just shoveling a pile of frustration onto otherwise fun mech gameplay.Taking items from containers of any kind (chests, cabinets, boxes, bookshelves, etc.) is perfectly "legal" and does not aggro any NPCs.ĭestroying furniture (beds, lights, etc.) will count as stealing. It's all just crafting and maybe a few short digs. And that's the whole point I want to get at - nothing in SB, aside from mechs, is really a grinding game. Keeping yourself fed is trivial at best, especially once you have 1 refrigerator.Ī solid "Easy", "Medium", "Hard" mode would be great - I'd be happy to take on larger swarms of enemies with more HP/defense for higher drop rates to speed mech building along.

starbound how to get mech parts

Avoiding death is simple, except when you're hit with 200 bullets at once instead of 1 from a lag spike, or when the ground fails to load and you take fall damage from an unloaded area. It would be cool if there was a harder mode, but honestly, Survival and Hardcore modes add nothing to the experience for me except more frustration over bugs like deaths from the FPS issues still present in the game. I'm not saying that's the way to fix it, I'm just saying there are plenty of acceptable ways to make it so there is always something fun to do in space mech encounters without loss of realism.Īctually, I have to disagree again, sorry! The difficulty settings in this game has been a bit of a complaint of mine for awhile. Now, on the other hand, if the game was set up to insure there was at least 1 hostile ship in every star system at any given time that would never seem unrealistic to me. Solar systems where random anomolies are more frequent than a ship with a couple bandits in it. Obviously every encounter shouldn't be a hostile ship, but we're talking about entire solar systems. The game never establishes whether the universe is more hostile or more friendly, so I'm not seeing any reason why the frequency of hostile ship encounters should be so low.

starbound how to get mech parts

It feels like the ratio of Anomolies to ship encounters is around 3:1, and then a 2:1 chance of each ship encounter being friendly vs. Seeing as (IMO) Hostile Ships are the most entertaining, it makes popping into those anomolies and friendly encounters all the more monotonous.

starbound how to get mech parts

I know what you mean, however, the game spawns disproportionately more Anomolies and Friendly ships than Hostile Ships. So to be in a Universe of hostilities everywhere for 'fun' is well, unrealistic & just 'to much'. Some of which maybe set in thier ways & others can be influenced in changing thier posture towards outsiders. This difference helps to create a variety in lifeforms. Their initialy postured in one of three ways: Neutral, freindly or hostile. Races & species must always be & will be different. Originally posted by Pursuit:There are just so many boring Anomoly encounters that it sucks all the fun out of them, and the Friendly encounters are equally boring.

Starbound how to get mech parts